Adventures of a Manboy and his Father

The Adventures of a Manboy and his Father

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Its good to hear your voice.

Well today is the 100th day that we've been in Uganda, and official 19 days until we go home. (December 22nd at 10:38 pm)

I finished almost 3 out of the four papers. One more to go! And its on Simple Living, a subject I've been thinking and writing about all semester!

I leave my Home here in 8 days. The next three of those are going to be spent on a Safari! (Its crazy the things GOD allows me to do.) Then after 4 days of debrief, josh and I are headed to stay with a friend, Matt Carney, in London.

I've been typing all day, so I'm going to go play guitar. (I've been writing songs again lately! I plan on sharing my music alot more on the return.) I'll post alot more next week.

Sorry I've been a slacker.
love you guys,


  1. yeah. way to be lame and a slacker. i mean, you're only in Uganda learning and having an amazing adventure ;)

    you're in my thoughts and prayers often, friend. i can't wait to see you and actually hear about what God's been doing.

    and, i hope this isn't weird, but there's been no one at JBU showing me their side this semester...i feel like i'm missing something...

    in His love, sadie.

  2. A safari?! Oh man, I always wanted to go on a safari adventure. Take lots of pictures, if you can, without getting eaten by a lion or trampled by an elephant ;)

  3. Going on a safari reminds me of trying to find stuff in our room last year. If I were you, I'd be listening to "Eye of the Tiger" the whole time I was out there. Just sayin.
